Certified stack

The following software components have passed Magnolia’s certification testing for compatibility and performance with Magnolia DX Core and the Apache Jackrabbit Java Content Repository. Other components have been demonstrated to work in client environments though they may not have been tested for certification by Magnolia.

Operating Systems

  • Linux distributions

  • Windows

  • Other

The distribution must be running kernel 2.6 and higher.

  • Ubuntu - all currently supported LTS releases.

  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server - all releases with existing (SuSE) general support.

  • Fedora - latest two releases.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server

    • For Magnolia 6.2.x: RHEL 7 (and higher) with full support or maintenance support.

  • CentOS 6 and 7

  • Debian - all currently supported LTS releases.

  • Windows Server

    • 2012 R2

    • 2019 Standard or Datacenter

  • Windows 10

  • macOS 10.15 and higher

Are you running Magnolia on an OS that is not listed here? Let us know by posting to the forum and mailing lists.

Container OS

The latest version of the 9.0-jre11-temurin image has been verified for the Certified Stack information found on this page.


You need a Java Development Kit (JDK) or a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on your system to run Magnolia and either the Tomcat application server that ships with the bundle or a Java EE 8 / Jakarta EE 8 compliant server.

JRE is an implementation of the Java Virtual Machine which executes Java programs. JDK is a bundle of software that you can use to develop Java based applications. If you plan to write your own Java code get the JDK. If you just want to run Magnolia then JRE is sufficient.

Magnolia releases run on the active Java version at the time of the first release.

Java 17 (LTS) Java 11 (LTS) Java 8 (LTS)

Magnolia 6.2

Supported by Magnolia 6.2.9+.

Minimum supported version for Magnolia PaaS

Using @Cacheable annotations?

From Magnolia 6.2.9 to Magnolia 6.2.36, modules using the @Cacheable annotation from addon-commons (info.magnolia.addon.commons.cache.annotation.Cacheable) did not work with Java 17.

  • 6.2.37+

  • 6.2.9 to 6.2.36

The JavaScript Models module 1.2 will not work with Java 16 as it relies on the Nashorn JavaScript engine, which was deprecated in JDK 11 and removed in JDK 15.

For usage with JDK 11 and higher, please use Javascript Models 2.x, which uses GraalVM.

Oracle JDK and OpenJDK are interchangeable alternatives. Use whichever one you feel more comfortable with. However, please be aware that as of January 2019, Oracle stopped contributing to the OpenJDK 8 Updates project.

Together with OpenJDK 11, the OpenJDK 8 project is maintained by RedHat. For more details, see Leadership of OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 Transitions to Red Hat.

If you are using AdoptOpenJDK on macOS 10.15, be aware that this build of OpenJDK is currently facing a segmentation fault problem issued as https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-build/issues/1315, which also affects our Periscope module. Until the issue is fixed in the AdoptOpenJDK project, you can bypass it by excluding the magnolia-periscope-result-ranker artifact from your instances, temporarily losing the functionality the result ranker provides.

Application servers

The following servers are not certified, only supported. We provide support for them if you use them, but we do not proactively test them for major or maintenance releases of Magnolia.

  • Wildfly 11 and higher

  • JBoss EAP 7.0 and higher

  • IBM WebSphere Application Server 9 and higher

  • IBM WebSphere Liberty and higher

IBM WebSphere is supported only with DX Core and with the special Magnolia package for IBM WebSphere.


Back-end: Admincentral and content management

  • Admincentral works in all modern browsers not older than 2 years.

  • Admincentral works with three responsive viewports:

    • Width smaller than 1200px for small screens & tablets

    • Width between 1200px and 1600px for desktop screens

    • Width of more than 1600px for wide screens.

Responsive viewports

Internet Explorer 11, the last version of Internet Explorer, is not supported. Please use Microsoft Edge instead.

Front end: sites built with Magnolia Templating Essentials

Magnolia Templating Essentials (MTE) supports all CSS3/HTML5 compatible browsers and includes a ready-to-use solution for making all the functionality and design available in IE7 and IE8 as well.

Cloud: Transport Layer Security (TLS)

For all Magnolia cloud deployments, TLS v 1.2 is the minimal requirement that browsers need to support for both the AdminCentral and all client websites to ensure maximum security.


Type Database Support notes


H2 1.4.200 and higher

We do not recommend using the H2 database for production environments.

Derby (packaged versions)

Apache Derby is only supported as an embedded database in a packaged version for low-volume use only.


MySQL 5.5 and higher

InnoDB storage engine for MySQL is supported by Magnolia, MyISAM is not. InnoDB is the default in MySQL 5.5 and higher.

Oracle Enterprise DB

Unless otherwise noted, all vendor-supported database versions are supported for Magnolia.

PostgreSQL 9 and higher


  • Apache Jackrabbit 2.20.13 (in Magnolia CMS 6.2.42)


The stack can be summarized as follows:

Tomcat (certified and recommended) JBoss/WildFly (supported) IBM WebSphere (supported)

Linux distributions


macOS 10.15 and higher



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