JCR Browser app

The JCR Browser app is a Magnolia tool that allows you to work at the repository level in any workspace. You can see details that are not readily visible in a specific app’s tree view as well as edit content and associated configuration.


The JCR Browser app is in the JCR Tools app group that is only available to the superuser role. This restriction is configured in the app launcher layout.

The app is configured in /jcr-browser/apps/jcr-browser-app.yaml.

Using the app

Be careful when editing and adding content in any workspace because you are working at the repository level.
  • Browsing: Use the dropdown to switch between workspaces. All workspaces are available. If you create a new workspace, it will be automatically available in the app.

Switching between workspace via browsing

  • Display system properties: Click the filter iconFilter iconand select the checkbox to display properties such as UUIDs, creation dates and user information. System properties are hidden by default. When displayed, they cannot be edited.

Display system properties checkbox marked

  • Editing: You can work with all content, except system properties, in the same way as in any other app.

Editing content directly in the JCR browser rather than in a dedicated app may damage the integrity of your data. Do not move nodes (such as components from one page area to another) as the dedicated app might apply additional constraints to the move operation. Publishing in the JCR browser might differ from publishing in a dedicated app because different rules might apply for including subnodes.

Example website JCR browser

The JCR browser shows content as it is stored in the JCR and is useful for looking at details that you would not see in the Pages app.

Example: Compare the Travel Demo’s About page in the JCR browser and in the editor.

Travel Demo’s About page in the JCR browser"

Travel Demo’s About page in the editor

Property Description

<page folders>

Pages (mgnl:page) are stored in folders:

  • The page folder structure matches the website tree structure.

  • There are content nodes for each page area.

  • All area nodes reside at the same level, regardless of whether configured as main or nested areas.

     <area nodes>

Areas (mgnl:area) are stored in content nodes:

  • single and list areas have component subnodes.

  • noComponent areas can be used in various ways but typically have only area properties.

         <component nodes>

Components (mgnl:component) are stored in numbered content nodes:

  • Node numbers are sequential and assigned automatically.

  • Nodes are displayed in the same order as on the page.

  • The assigned number depends on when the component was created. The rendering order may not match the numbering order.

  • Components with nested components follow the same structure as area nodes. See component definition.

             <component properties>

Component properties are stored under the component node:

  • Property names correspond to dialog field names.

  • i18n properties have a locale suffix by default.

         <area properties>

Area properties, if any, reside under the area node.

     <page properties>

Page properties reside under the page node:

  • Property names typically correspond to field names in the Page properties dialog.

  • Components or areas can also add page-level properties.


DX Core



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Main doc sections

DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules