Organizing your authoring workspace

When you log into Magnolia, the App Launcher is the first view. Depending on the roles configured for you by your administrator, it will contain different sections and apps. For example, the redesigned App Launcher might include Marketing, Personalization, or Categorization sections. Likewise, the App Launcher look & feel depends on the version of Magnolia installed in your environment.

App Launcher over the years

By authoring workspace, we mean those apps used primarily for authoring work. Magnolia workspaces refer to the places where apps store their data. For example, the website workspace contains the web pages, areas, and components you create and fill with content.

Besides roles defining which apps you see in the App Launcher, administrators can also change the App Launcher layout definition. For example, this might involve changing the grouping arrangement, adding customized groups for your needs, and so on.

Action bar

The Action bar allows the user to perform app-specific actions, which are categorized into sections and groups.

For more details, see Action bar definition.

Action bar in the Contacts app

Action bar structure

The structure of the action bar differs from app to app.

Here’s an example of the action bar in the Contacts app.

  • No contact selected

  • Contact selected

  • Contact deleted

With no contact selected.

Action bar without any action selected

When a contact is selected.

Action bar when a contact is selected

After a contact is deleted.

Action bar after a contact is deleted


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