Filter search results

You can use multiple parallel filters to quickly narrow down your search results and find exactly what you are looking for without scrolling through dozens of results.

Find bar search filter

You can easily remove or refine the filter by type, tags, latest editor or the date the content was last edited.

The Type filter lists all types of content that have been configured for search. By default, this includes all content apps. External data sources can also be configured.

In the Tags filter, you can search through all the tags applied to your content in Magnolia.

Find bar tags

If you use the Magnolia Image Recognition module, all automatically generated tags applied to your assets will be available here.

If you start searching while having an open app, Magnolia will automatically filter results based on the current app so you can get relevant results straight away.


DX Core



This widget lets you know where you are on the docs site.

You are currently perusing through the DX Core docs.

Main doc sections

DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules