Public User Registration module

Security and authentication Bundled: Community Edition






Maven site



Available on SPA/Headless


Magnolia Public User Registration (PUR) module lets users of a public Magnolia site register and access restricted content. You can use the module to register users for custom modules that support personalization and user-specific handling. For example, collect e-mail addresses of subscribers to a newsletter and allow them to manage subscription details after login.

See Setting up PUR on a website for a step-by-step tutorial on using the module.

Installing with Maven

Bundled modules are automatically installed for you.

If the module is unbundled, add the following to your bundle including your project’s <dependencyManagement> section and your webapp’s <dependencies> section. If the module is unbundled but the version is managed by the parent POM, add the following to your webapp’s <dependencies> section.

  <version>2.7.7</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.

Compatibility and legacy modules

We have been gradually removing the old Content API from our modules since Magnolia 5.6. In Magnolia 5.5 we removed usage of the old admininterface. If you have custom code which relies on code from the old admininterface or from the old Content API, then you must do one of two things:

  • Update your code for the new version of the public user registration module.

  • Or use the magnolia-module-public-user-registration-legacy and the magnolia-module-legacy-admininterface module.

Add the following snippet to your POM file:

  <version>2.7.7</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.

User management

Public users are stored and managed in the Security app on the public instance. The system registers the account automatically when a user registers. Whether the user can use the account immediately or not depends on the configured registration strategy.

Public users in users app

The user account is only created on the public instance. Make sure you back up this data when using several public instances. The instances, or at least the users workspace, need to be clustered to share accounts between different instances. Another option is to implement observation based synchronization to replicate user accounts across instances.


The PUR module relies on other modules and system settings. Understanding the module requires a working knowledge of:

  • Form module: Many of the PUR components are configurable forms.

  • Mail module: The PUR module uses the Mail module to send emails. You need to configure SMTP to send mail to registering users. If you don’t, a public user profile is created when a user registers, but an email to verify the account can’t be sent.


PUR configuration is in /modules/public-user-registration/config/configurations.

Example: Default configuration

Default configuration

Property Description



Module configuration folder.



Configurations node.

         <configuration name>


Configuration name. Must match the site name configured in the site definition or the default configuration is used.

DX Core users can create different configurations for each site. Use extends to make site-specific changes to an existing configuration.



Roles managed by the module.



Groups managed by the module.



Strategy for user registration.



Strategy for password retrieval.



User profile configuration.



Realm name.



Configuration resolver node.



Resolves the configuration to use.

info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.configuration.DefaultConfigurationResolver finds the correct configuration based on the request URI. For example, /travel/members-area/register.html resolves to travel.

Default roles and groups

Only users defined in defaultRoles and defaultGroups nodes are managed by the module. Default roles and groups are configured in the same way.

Example: travel default roles and groups configurations

travel default roles and groups configurations

Property Description

<configuration name>


Name of PUR configuration.



Default roles/groups node.

         <role/group name>


Role/Group name.

Property name is arbitrary. Value must match role or group set up in the Security app.

Users in the travel-demo-pur group as assigned the travel-demo-pur role (among others) that provides these Web access permissions. protected is a page that contains content that can only be viewed by registered users, and profile-update contains the User Profile Update form.
Permission Path

Get & Post


Get & Post


Get & Post


Get & Post


On registration, a new user is automatically assigned the travel-demo-pur role and can access restricted content. The location of the restricted content can be set in the Login component dialog.

Here’s what non-registered and registered users see.

Login field Member content

Registration strategies

Registration strategies define how users are registered. Magnolia provides three options:

  • Registration after mail verification.

  • Immediate registration.

  • Admin-supervised registration.

Example: travel registration strategy

travel registration strategy

Property Description

<configuration name>


Name of PUR configuration.



Registration strategy node.



Registration class:

  • info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.strategy.Mail: Sends the user an email containing a verification link after signup. The link directs to a page containing the Enable User Form component.

  • info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.strategy.Always: Enables the registered user immediately. No verification is required.

  • info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.strategy.Never: Registers, but doesn’t enable, the user. An admin must enable the user manually in the Security app.

     <strategy-specific properties>


Any properties supported by the used registration class. Only Mail supports additional properties.

Mail registration strategy

The mail registration strategy sends the user an email containing a verification link after signing up. The link directs to a page containing the Enable User Form component. When the user submits the form, the system enables the user’s account.

Example: sportstation email registration strategy

sportstation email registration strategy

Property Description



Registration strategy node.



Relative path to template used for the email message.



Sender email address.



Sender name .



Relative path to the page containing the Enable User Form component.



Message subject.

user-confirmation-email.ftl (Git) (referenced in the emailTemplate property) is a simple script that defines the verification link mailed to the user.

        <p>Dear ${!},</p>
        <p>Please follow <a href="${pagePath!}">this link</a> in order to validate your account.</p>
        <p>Thank you !</p>

Mail registration class adds the userid UUID and regStamp parameters to the URL to verify identity. The verification link looks something like this:


Password retrieval strategies

Password retrieval strategies define how users retrieve lost or forgotten passwords. Magnolia provides two options:

  • Mail password retrieval: an email with a link to the Password Change form is sent to the user. This is common practice and secure because the mail doesn’t contain a password.

  • A strategy class that does nothing: you can code your own strategy in the Confirmation Email tab of the Forgotten Password dialog.

Example: sportstation mail password retrieval strategy

`sportstation` mail password retrieval strategy

Property Description



Password retrieval strategy node.



Password retrieval strategy class:

  • info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.password.MailChangePasswordLinkStrategy: This strategy sends the user a link to the page containing the Password Change component.

  • info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.password.NOPStrategy: This strategy does nothing. You have the option to code your own strategy in the Confirmation Email tab of the Forgotten Password dialog instead.



Relative path to the template used for the email message.



Sender’s email.



Sender’s name.



Message subject.



Relative path to the page containing the Password Change component.


optional, default in `30`

Duration (in minutes) that the password change link remains valid.

password-reset-email.ftl (Git) (referenced in the emailTemplate property) is a simple script that sets the link to the password change form.

<p>Dear ${!},</p>
<p>Follow this link where you can set your new password: <a href=${pagePath!}>CLICK HERE</a></p>
<p>If you did not ask for password change, ignore this email.</p>

MailChangePasswordLinkStrategy class adds userid UUID and token parameters to the URL to verify identity. The verification link looks something like this:


You can test the password retrieval strategy on the public instance of the Travel Demo. Sign up for an account and follow the link in the email to reset your password.

User profile

The user profile configuration defines the properties in a user’s profile. By default, these are username, password, email, and fullname.

Example: default user profile configuration

`default` user profile configuration

Property Description



User profile configuration node.



User profile class.

info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.UserProfile is a basic profile bean that supports the default username, password, email, and fullName properties.

Extending the user profile

You can extend UserProfile and register a custom class in configuration if you need to store more information.

Example: Custom user profile class configuration with additional phoneNumber property

Custom user profile class configuration

Property Description



User profile configuration node.



info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.configuration.UserProfileConfiguration supports adding custom user profile properties under this node.

         <custom properties>


Your custom user profile properties, for example phoneNumber.



Custom user profile class.

The default properties are always populated, but you need to write a custom class that extends info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.UserProfile to set the custom properties in the user profile.

Example: Custom user profile class for handling a phone number

public class CustomUserProfile extends UserProfile {
    private String phoneNumber = "";
    public String getPhoneNumber() {
        return phoneNumber;
    public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
        this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;

To test the new property:

  1. Add a new field named after the custom property in the registration form, for example phoneNumber.

  2. Publish the form page to the public instance.

  3. Register a new user.

  4. In the Exporter subapp, export the user profile to XML (set Repository=users, Base path=/public).

  5. Check that the new property is in the exported XML.

PUR components

The module includes all necessary components to implement user registration and related tasks on your site.

You can view the PUR components in the Members area of the Travel Demo.

Components are configured in /modules/public-user-registration/templates/components.

With the exception of login, the components are standard Magnolia forms. They extend the form component and override the standard form processors with custom form processors provided by the module.

login component

  • Displays Login Form component that has:

    • Preconfigured username and password fields.

    • Registration and Forgotten password links.

    • Login button.

  • In the dialog set:

    • Target page: Form can redirect to any page. Typically used to direct to protected content parent page, making content in this tree is only visible to logged-in users.

    • Registration page: Page containing the registration component.

    • Password retrieval page: Page containing the forgottenPassword component.

  • Rendered by login.ftl.

Edit login form

Log in form

registration component

  • Displays User Registration form.

  • Add input fields named username, password, passwordConfirmation, fullName, and email, and a submit button field.

  • Uses info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.processors.RegistrationProcessor to register the user.

Registration form

userUpdate component

  • Displays User Profile Update form.

  • Add input fields named username, fullName, and email, and a submit button field.

  • Uses info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.form.UserFormModel to prefill the user’s data.

  • Uses info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.processors.UpdateProcessor to update the user’s profile.

User update form

forgottenPassword component

  • Displays Forgotten Password form.

  • Add input fields named username and email, and a submit button field.

  • Uses info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.processors.PasswordProcessor to verify the user’s credentials and retrieve the password retrieval strategy.

  • Processor sends the user an email with a link to the passwordChange component page when MailChangePasswordLinkStrategy is configured as the password retrieval strategy.

Forgotten password form

passwordChange component

  • Displays Password Change form.

  • Add input fields named password and passwordConfirmation, and a submit button field.

  • Uses info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.processors.TokenPasswordProcessor that takes a token from the URL and checks if the token is valid. If it is, the user’s password is changed.

Password change form

enableUser component

  • Displays Enable User form.

  • Add a submit button field.

  • Uses info.magnolia.module.publicuserregistration.processors.EnableUserByUuidProcessor to enable a user’s account after retrieving it using the UUID parameter.

  • Use with mail registration strategy to confirm and enable a user’s account.

Enable user form

For PUR functionality to work, the input fields must be named exactly as specified in the table above.

Adding components to templates

You can add the PUR components to any template.

Example: Template definition with all PUR components in main area


templateScript: /my-module/templates/pages/my-script.ftl
renderType: freemarker
visible: true
title: My template
        id: public-user-registration:components/login
         id: public-user-registration:components/registration
         id: public-user-registration:components/userUpdate
         id: public-user-registration:components/forgottenPassword
         id: public-user-registration:components/passwordChange
         id: public-user-registration:components/enableUser

PUR changes in 2.5.1+

The module and its configuration include classes, resources, and components that are deprecated in 2.5.1+ (Magnolia 5.4.4+). These are maintained for backward compatibility and some are still used in configuration for this purpose.

Mail registration strategy

The default configuration uses the mail registration strategy, but references a deprecated emailTemplate and pagePath. If you are implementing PUR for the first time and want to use or extend the default configuration, update these properties to:




Relative path to the page containing the Enable User Form component.

Password retrieval strategy

The default configuration uses MailChangePasswordLinkStrategy password retrieval strategy, but references a deprecated emailTemplate. If you are implementing PUR for the first time and want to use or extend the default configuration, update this property to:



Default roles

The default configuration assigns registered public users the public-user-registration-base and anonymous roles. The base role provides permissions to /pages which are deprecated in Magnolia 5.4.4. If you are implementing PUR for the first time, follow the pattern used in the Travel Demo when setting up permissions.

PUR Components

A new set of components was introduced in 2.5.1.

This table shows the 2.5.1 components and their equivalent earlier components.

< 2.5.1 (old)














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